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martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

How satellites influence in our life

Hi, today we are going to talk about satellites, sorry but it will be in English, but I will try to make it short, sweet and to the point.
First we are going to talk about how you rely on satellites in your life:
Normally in our lives we use satellites a lot, for mobile phones, Tv, internet, google maps, GPS... If we didn´t have satellites we wouldn´t be able to talk with our friends, download music, even going to new places without satellites would be difficult, would you survive without your mobile for a day?, I wouldn't. Most of the teenagers would answer the same as me, because all of us use the mobiles in our life, chatting with friends, playing mobile games...

How important are satellites to our world?

Satellites aren´t only important for fun, there aren´t satellites only for you, satellites can also be useful to predict the weather, take pictures of the earth, and predict earthquakes, even tornados!
Predicting the weather is very important for people all over the world, not only to know if you have to take the umbrella, for example, farmers need to know the weather in order to pick the harvest, or fishermen have to know the weather because they will be in trouble if they are trapped in the eye of a storm.  Satellites can also help fishermen because satellites can see where the food for fish is, so fishermen can go there to get the fish.

What are the negative aspects of the satellites?

The satellites are very useful for people but they have negative effects too: they emit radiation so they can make people ill.  They have also ended your privacy: nowadays, in your house, if you have the GPS of your mobile phone turned on, the owners of satellites can know where you are and where you have been. Don´t worry, normally no one is interested in your life, you aren´t as important as you think.

Should we be spending millions of euros putting satellites in space?

I think so,  I know that satellites make a lot of problems but the problems that they make are less than the advantages they have, so we need them for our ordinary life.
My partner Rubén doesn´t think that: "In my opinion there are lots of people who have died in Africa and in many countries because they didn`t have anything to eat and nobody helped them ; with thousands of millions of dollars we can help them, and later we can put satellites in space. That is my opinion".

What do you think? Should satellites be in space? Please,  if you want to share your opinion, add your comments and recommend this blog to your friends, please do!

See you later little astronauts.

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